kauden aloitus ja päätös - Konalan pelialue

profile-image kauden aloitus ja päätös - Konalan pelialue

04.09.2024 17:00 - 04.09.2024 20:00
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Categories: Casual games


Have you ever been at season start and ending at same time? Now is your chance!
(Just kidding, there might be more... maybe)

#pewpewfi Airsoft-games at Konala gamesite (maps link). Registering to game is mandatory through Kuulaportti!

Just like good old days, except NOTE NOTE we do not offer any stuff for sale or rental gear.

If you are first timer* and want to come try airsoft, you can attend games without registering, even if player limit is full. However, remember we do not offer rental gear.

(* First timer is participant who has no experience on airsoft and want's to try it out. Not a player who comes first time to our games! Idea is that player limit doesn't prevent from trying this sport)

Before registering to game, read our rules.

17:00 Game registration starts (please try to arrive registration not later than 17:20)
17:30 Game briefing
18:00 Game on!
20:00 Game end!

Take with you to gamesite at least:

  • Game fee 5€. We prefer MobilePay, but if you pay with cash, reserve EXACT CHANGE. 
  • Your game gear, most importantly...
    - Airsoft approved eye protection.
    - Arm bands (red and yellow), we also recommend use of dead rag (orange).
    - Face-protection (compulsory for minors, recommended for everybody).
  • Water to drink.

Run of the day:

  1. Come to the registration stand (have the money or Mobilepay app with you already)
  2. When you’ve registered, you’ll get a ”chronotag.” Keep this with you until the chronoing of your gun.
  3. Take your gear to the off-game area and prepare your game weapon(s).
  4. Take your weapon(s) and the chronotag to the chrono site; REMEMBER YOUR EYE PROTECTION!
  5.  Chrono your weapon(s). Once your weapon(s) passes the test, give your chronotag to the organizer at the chrono site.
  6. Get yourself ready before the briefing starts. If you need the briefing in English, PLEASE MAKE SURE THE ORGANIZERS ARE AWARE OF THIS! Go to briefing immediately when called, do rest of your gear things after that if you were not ready yet.

Power limit is 1.4J, only semi and only bio bb's.

Age limit to our games is 13 years. Under 18 years old can attend to games with parents permission. Check more info from our rules page.

NOTICE! Remember to cancel your registering no later than 24h before the event, if you can't make it to the games. Reserving spot without canceling leads to noshow-notice. Multiple noshow's may lead to ban.

NOTICE! Parking space is limited if we have lots of players. Always try to park compactly. Parking lot of the nearby store will close the barrier when the store closes, trapping cars there!

Did you know that we have our very own conversation channel on Finland's largest airsoft themed Discord server? Come join us to discuss about past and future games ->

This event has already ended.

User details Faction Country Team


Game organizers




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